Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Esperance/Solomani Rim

Wed, 10/12/2011 - 04:45 — Anonymous Esperance/Solomani Rim 341-1120Nueva
Argentina signed the Imperium-brokered peace accords today, although leaders
of the former Human Bloc of nations expressed resentment at the terms of the
agreement. "This treaty places Esperance in the effective control of Waothan
and its Vegan-irredentist government," said President Miguel de la Pena of
Gran Colombia. "No matter what the fortunes of war, the Human citizens of
Esperance have rights as well, and will one day cast off this fascist
regime."Speaker Raeb Alaok of the Waothani government rejected these veiled
threats. "Waothan has no interest in violating the rights of Human citizens
of Esperance. Indeed, Waothan has many Human citizens of its own who are
valued members of society. Still, the so-called Human Bloc has several times
committed treason against the Imperium, violated the Rules of War, and
trampled on the civil rights of Vegans everywhere on this planet. They can
hardly claim to be the victims at this point."Ω