Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Wed, 10/12/2011 - 04:45 — Anonymous Capital/Core 355-1120 Emperor Strephon
formally opened the Holiday season today, presiding over a traditional
Alkhalikoi family ceremony at the tomb of the Empress Arbellatra. In a
departure from usual practice, the Emperor invited the news media to record
the ceremony from a discreet distance.The Emperor was assisted during the
ceremony by his daughter, Grand Princess Ciencia Iphegenia. The rest of the
Imperial family was absent, most of them already on their way to distant
regions of the Imperium in order to preside over local celebrations of
Strephon's jubilee year.Duke Ian Ashran of Cemplas also played an important
role in the observance. The Duke was accompanied by his wife and a number of
her Tukera kinsmen. The Duke's ancestor, Sergey Torgyan Ashran, was
Arbellatra's consort and is also interred in her tomb. The Ashran family has
the right to participate in the annual ceremony, although they decline the
honor in most years.After completing the ceremony, the Emperor departed the
scene without making any official statement.Ω