Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Wed, 10/12/2011 - 04:45 — Anonymous Capital/Core 365-1120 On the eve of his
jubilee-year Holiday, Emperor Strephon has announced the engagement of his
daughter, Grand Princess Ciencia Iphegenia.The Grand Princess' intended
consort is Doctor Frater Ganidiirsi Ling Simalr, F.O.A., heir-designate to
the Duchy of Ushra in the Dagudashaag sector. He is a tenured professor at
the University of Sylea, and holds the Banasdan Chair of Comparative
Sophontology there. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential
young scientists in the Third Imperium, and is believed to be an unofficial
advisor to the Emperor.The Grand Princess and her intended will depart
Capital after the opening celebrations of the Emperor's jubilee, sharing a
Grand Tour in the Dagudashaag and Gushemege sectors. The wedding will take
place on Sir Ganidiirsi's homeworld of Ushra late in 1121.Ω