Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Vantage/Solomani Rim

Wed, 10/12/2011 - 07:31 — Anonymous Vantage/Solomani Rim 360-1121 After
meeting in closed session, a Solomani Party caucus has released a manifesto
calling for extensive reforms within the Solomani Confederation.Meeting here
on Vantage in closed session, the caucus is largely composed of
representatives from the worlds of the Near Bootes Cluster. Many of them are
members of the Secretariat who abandoned that body earlier in the year,
protesting the "illegitimate" government of current Secretary-General Marc
Chissano.Caucus spokesman Jan Malikov announced the existence of the
manifesto today. "For over a century, we Solomani have been living in a
prison of their own devising. In the name of our racial destiny, we have
denied ourselves the freedom that was once considered our birthright. For
fear of our foreign enemies, we have done ourselves far greater harm than
those enemies could ever have done. No more!"Malikov distributed copies of
the so-called Vantage Manifesto to members of the press. Among other reforms,
it apparently calls for an end to the Solomani Party's monopoly on legal
political activity, several reforms to the Confederation military command
structure, and the abolition of SolSec's "monitor" program.When asked about
the consequences of the manifesto for members of the Party caucus, Malikov
observed, "Manifesto or not, we're all dead men if the Chissano regime lays
hands on us. We may as well make a stand for what's best for the Solomani