Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Dzim Zhia Gwi/Solomani Rim

Wed, 10/12/2011 - 07:31 — Anonymous Dzim Zhia Gwi/Solomani Rim 332-1121
Officials of the Ewm Shao Gwi tuhuir have voiced approval of the IBL-led
provisional government on Ludmilla. "We reject any allegations against the
Brotherhood that may suggest anti-Vegan racism," stated tuhuir spokesman
Tyarr Elnak. "Such racism is a feature of the former ManFirst government, not
of the Interstellar Brotherhood of Labor. Our tuhuir has no quarrel with IBL
positions regarding interspecies relations or trade unionization. IBL
opinions on human politics are not otherwise our concern."Meanwhile, Joaquin
Valleterre, formerly President of the Ludmilla Republic, appeared on
Esperance today to deliver a fiery public statement denouncing the pro-labor
movement on his homeworld. "These so-called labor leaders are nothing but
jackbooted thugs, subverting the normal mechanisms of democratic government
in order to impose their own views on everyone. The ManFirst party is the
true expression of the will of the Ludmillan people, and we will not be
denied our place."Ω