Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Hoatzin/Solomani Rim

Wed, 10/12/2011 - 04:45 — Anonymous Hoatzin/Solomani Rim 310-1120Archduke
Adair appeared in public with Countess Aurelie Muuadin of Hoatzin today,
presiding over a gathering of Hoatzin's foremost industrial and business
leaders. The Archduke praised the Countess for her management of her domain,
particularly with regard to the recently negotiated end to the Stralsund
dictatorship and the financial bailout of the Gran Hoatzin Consortium.
Afterward, gossip columnists speculated about whether the Countess had
attracted the Archduke's eye, but there seemed no visible evidence of any
personal connection between the two.Ω