Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Esperance/Solomani Rim

Wed, 10/12/2011 - 04:45 — Anonymous Esperance/Solomani Rim 300-1120Escorted
by a powerful Imperial naval detachment, Archduke Adair arrived in-system to
perform a brief inspection of colonial forces occupying Esperance. After
receiving a briefing on the situation, the Archduke appeared in public to
praise the Imperial soldiers and spacemen involved in bringing the Esperance
War to a speedy conclusion. "With malice toward none, with mercy to all, we
intend to bring a new era of peace and reconciliation to this troubled
world."The Archduke had particular praise for the Imperial commanders on the
scene. For his actions as overall commander during the Esperance War, the
Archduke announced that he was granting a baronetcy to Admiral Sir Kristian
Sandkvist, commander of the 1295th Colonial Fleet, effective immediately.In
other news, the Vegans of Waothan have taken the unusual step of agreeing to
all terms of the Imperial peace accord before those terms could be announced.
"We are confident that the Imperium will protect our rights," said Raeb
Alaok, advisor and spokesman for the Waothani central government. Raeb Alaok
declined to address rumors of recent shuffling of administrative positions
within the Waothani government.Ω