Wed, 10/12/2011 - 07:31 — Anonymous Shululsish/Solomani Rim 011-1121 The
planetary corporation Shululsish Internetworking LIC has announced a very
large joint venture with Anaun Twoyen and other members of the Ewm Shao Gwi
tuhuir. The Vegan consortium has signed an agreement to purchase several
trillion credits of Shululsish-built computers, networking devices and robots
over the next ten years. In return, SI will act as Ewm Shao Gwi's partner in
marketing Vegan consumer goods and light-industrial equipment on Shululsish.
A new corporation, Alderamin Holdings, will be established to coordinate the
activities of the partnership.At a press conference, Anaun Twoyen stated that
"This partnership represents a new era of prosperity for the Alderamin Trade
Zone. Naturally, we are pleased at the prospect of opening new markets in
this region to Vegan goods and services."Ω