Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Wed, 10/12/2011 - 07:31 — Anonymous Ushra/Dagudashaag 300-1121 Grand
Princess Ciencia Iphigenia married her consort-designate today, in the midst
of grand ceremony and public spectacle.The Grand Princess was resplendent in
a blazing white gown of Ushran shimmersilk, crowned with a diamond tiara.
Doctor Frater Ganidiirsi Ling Simalr wore the full formal robes of a tenured
professor of the University of Sylea, subdued in a deep blue that contrasted
well with the brilliance of his bride's gown.The ceremony was organized along
traditional Solomani lines, in deference to the customs of House Alkhalikoi.
Emperor Strephon gave away the bride. To the surprise of many onlookers,
Prince Lucan Alkhalikoi also appeared at the ceremony, looking unusually fit
and handsome in the full dress uniform of an Imperial Navy ensign. Also
present in the bridal party was the Grand Princess' childhood friend, now
Archduchess Isis of Ilelish.The groom's father, Duke Khugi Laragii Simalr of
Ushra, served in the traditional role of "best man." Many other members of
the Simalr clan were present, to round out the groom's party and wish the
newlyweds well.After the wedding, Emperor Strephon presided over the
coronation of Doctor Simalr as a new Prince of the Imperium. During the
following state dinner, the Emperor spoke of his new son-in-law with unusual
warmth."We are fortunate to welcome such a scholar, such a man, into our
family," the Emperor said. "Prince Ganidiirsi will doubtless serve our
Imperium with distinction, as a leader in the sciences, as a representative
of our many diverse peoples, one day as Prince Consort. For my part, I count
myself doubly fortunate. To trillions of Imperial citizens, Ciencia Iphigenia
is the Grand Princess, the heir who will one day take up the Imperial throne
and mandate. To me, she is also my daughter, a young woman I love dearly. I'm
therefore pleased that she has wed a man worthy not only of the highest
estate, but also of her profound and lasting affection."Ω