Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Shululsish/Solomani Rim

Wed, 10/12/2011 - 07:31 — Anonymous Shululsish/Solomani Rim 190-1121
Professor Ililek Kuligaan of Dlan University is in the Solomani Rim on
extended sabbatical, largely to study the recently-concluded succession
conflict within the Duchy of Alderamin. When interviewed on Shulusish, he
observed that "These things follow a Darwinian process. Everyone starts out
by trying to gain the support of the marginal worlds, where a noble can get
his name out on the news early. Once that's done, the ones who were
successful go for the more important worlds to try to clinch the deal. Of
course, there aren't as many of those worlds, so that's usually when the
quarrel gets nasty."When asked about similar situations in other parts of the
Imperium, Professor Kuligaan was vague, but stated that "This kind of
struggle is actually endemic to the Imperial system, I'm afraid. Whenever the
man on top vanishes without a clear heir, all the usual ties of loyalty start
pulling people in a hundred different directions. We're fortunate that the
usual rules of succession don't allow for these events very often."Ω