Wed, 10/12/2011 - 07:31 — Anonymous Rhylanor/Spinward Marches 038-1121 A
prominent member of the local nobility has announced that she is about to
submit an extensive legal case against Archduke Norris.Baroness Jynel
haut-Kurshar appeared in public today to make the preliminary announcement.
"My colleagues and I have been working for years to assemble this case. We
have investigated the archduke's doings over a long period, stretching back
before the opening of the Fifth Frontier War. We have uncovered clear
evidence of the then-duke's questionable actions, and look forward to
bringing the case before an Imperial court."The baroness refused to go into
details, saying that she did not wish to reveal any details prematurely."Be
sure of it, though. We have the goods on Norris."Ω