Wed, 10/12/2011 - 07:31 — Anonymous Muan Gwi/Solomani Rim 260-1121 Fresh
from her triumphant visit to Shulgiasu, the ancient Vilani capital of the Rim
Province, Empress Iolanthe has arrived on Muan Gwi to a tumultuous welcome.
This first visit of a member of the Imperial house to the Vegan homeworld has
moved even the staid Vegans to enthusiastic celebration. Members of the
Guardian tuhuir greeted the Empress with the Opening of the Gates ceremony, a
rite of great antiquity involving almost six hours of intricate dance and
pageantry. Historians report that the Opening of the Gates has not been
performed in its entirety in almost 2,000 years, and until now has never been
recorded by a Human audience.Following the ceremony, the Empress was taken to
the estates of Archduke Adair, who will spend the next three days escorting
his distinguished visitor on a grand tour of the Vegan homeworld. A series of
official meetings between the Empress and the Viceroy will follow.Ω