Thursday, October 13, 2011

Excalibur/Sword Worlds

Thu, 10/13/2011 - 16:16 — Anonymous Excalibur/Sword Worlds 120-1127
Received 120-1127After over three year's worth of evaluation, the Imperial
Interstellar Scout Service and the government of Excalibur issued their final
report on the excavations on the third moon of Excalibur. Baron Arvin
Hault-Devros, IISS liaison to Excalibur's government was quoted in a press
release accompanying the publication of the report: "The excavations have
revealed evidence of an interstellar intelligence in the sector, predating
the arrival of Humaniti. Their physical remains indicate that they were
unrelated to any known sophonts in the region, but their technology was
barely capable of interplanetary travel – they do not appear to have
developed the jump drive in any form.We have found remains that are
consistent with a sublight colony ship of unkown design."Hault-Devros
re-emphasized that no Ancient artifacts have been located at the site.Ω